Fundraising Summit
I was very interested to read about the Fundraising Summit taking place in January. I am very busy in January but this event is free and online and so I don't have to travel or attend full days - I can just log in for the sections which suit my needs.
The sessions run from 5th - 9th January and are only free on the day (but register now to gain access). Over the five days they are running more than 30 seminars on a wide range of fundraising and charity-centred issues fro fundraisers, managers and trustees.
I have also found that the material is available on a memory stick (but you have to pay for that + postage). I've decided to inve4st in that as it means I can share the materials freely with colleagues and also go back and review sessions at any time in the future.
You can find out more details about registering for the event at:
and details of purchasing materials is at:
I hope you find soemthing there os interest and relvance to you.
Best wishes for the holidays